Warts are common skin problems caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) that can bring about social and psychological concerns in individuals. These concerns, coupled with the prolonged presence of the HPV infection in the body, can profoundly affect a person's sexual life and their standing in society.
The fear of transmitting the disease reduces sexual desire between couples and negatively impacts the pleasure derived from intimacy. This leads individuals to become more introverted and distant from society. Additionally, prolonged treatments, the anxiety over potential treatment failures, and the fear of infecting others can further exacerbate anxiety.
Ass.Prof.Dr.Eser AĞAR
Hand warts are typically round or oval and may contain dark-colored dots. Their surfaces can be rough, and they are often the same color as the skin.
READ MOREFoot warts are common in children, teenagers, those with weak immunity, and those not previously exposed to Human Papilloma Virus.
READ MOREUntreated body warts typically grow larger and can spread. They can also cause discomfort and pain, and if not treated, can be contagious to others.
READ MOREVaginal warts often appear as raised lesions on the skin and frequently cause itching. They can sometimes be noticed during hair removal, may tear, and bleed.
READ MOREAnal warts, if left untreated, can grow increasingly larger and spread into the inside of the anus. The spreading of warts make treatment more challenging.
READ MOREPenile warts often appear as raised lesions on the skin and frequently cause itching. They can cause pain during urination or sexual intercourse.
READ MOREThe primary goal of wart treatment is to completely destroy the wart and the blood vessels feeding it. During the treatment process, the destroyed tissue is expected to be replaced by healthy tissue. The crucial point here is to effectively eliminate the wart tissue while causing minimal damage to the healthy tissue adjacent to the lesion
Leading health organizations, including the World Health Organization, state that almost all sexually active individuals will acquire HPV at some point.
READ MORETreating warts is an important step to eliminate the HPV virus from the body, but it is not sufficient on its own. To fully clear it from the body...
READ MORESome of these viruses can cause mutations that lead to cancer in certain types. However, it would be misleading to say that every wart is associated with cancer.
READ MOREHPV vaccines are an effective tool in preventing cervical cancer and are produced with recombinant technology. These vaccines contain virus-like particles that activate the immune system. However, these particles do not contain the virus's genetic material (DNA), so they are not pathogenic, but they do provoke a strong immune response in the body.
There are three types of HPV vaccines available in Turkey.