What is HPV Vaccine?
HPV vaccines are an effective tool in the prevention of cervical cancer, and are produced with recombinant technology. These vaccines contain virus-like particles that activate the immune system. However, these particles do not contain the virus's genetic material (DNA), so they cannot cause disease, but they enable the body to build a strong immune response.
There are three types of HPV vaccines available in Turkey.
How Many Doses of HPV Vaccine?
The number of doses and their timing depend on the patient's age. The dose number and timing for the quadrivalent and nonavalent vaccines available on the market are the same. 2 doses are given at 0-6 months to individuals aged 9-14, while 3 doses are given at 0-2 and 6 months to individuals aged 15 and over.
Side Effects of HPV Vaccine
HPV vaccines are considered very safe and serious side effects are rare. Mild side effects include pain and redness at the injection site, and rarely a mild fever. In young girls, fainting due to fear of needles can rarely be observed. Therefore, the vaccine should be administered in a healthcare facility.
Things You Should Know About HPV Vaccines
Where is HPV Vaccine Administered?
Both the quadrivalent and nonavalent HPV vaccines are administered at our Wart Treatment Center. We follow up on our patients' vaccine timing at our center. We prevent delays by calling patients when it's time for their dose and making dose reminders.
HPV Vaccine Prices
The price of HPV Vaccine varies periodically. It rarely decreases, but mostly increases with inflation rates. We cannot share the price of the HPV Vaccine on our website due to the rules of the Ministry of Health. You can learn the price of the HPV Vaccine and get a vaccination appointment by calling 0505 260 72 38 and 0 850 490 14 78.
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