What are finger warts?
Finger warts are viral infections that settle and grow on the fingers' upper layer of skin. The causative agent of the infection is the HPV virus.
How do finger warts form?
Finger warts occur when the human papillomavirus (HPV) enters the upper layer of the skin and multiplies and grows. HPV can usually enter the skin via a small wound or scratch.
How do finger warts spread?
Finger warts spread when the virus is transmitted directly or indirectly from one person to another. This usually happens through skin-to-skin contact, shared items, manicure-pedicure tools, or walking in damp places (like swimming pools, gyms) where the virus is present.
What are the symptoms of finger warts?
Finger warts are usually painless and appear on the finger as a small, hard, rough corn. They can often be confused with corns. In some cases, the wart can disrupt the normal growth of the finger, causing deformity and pain. Sometimes, warts can bleed if they get damaged.
Can finger warts be seen in everyone?
Yes, finger warts can be seen in all ages and genders. However, children and adolescents, those with a weak immune system, and those who frequently wound their hands are at higher risk.
Are finger warts dangerous?
Finger warts are generally not dangerous, but if left untreated, they can cause pain and discomfort. In some cases, warts can cause finger deformation and create cosmetic problems.
How are finger warts treated?
The treatment of finger warts usually involves topical drugs, freezing (cryotherapy), laser therapy, or surgical removal of the wart. An experienced doctor should decide which treatment to apply.
What are home treatments for finger warts?
Home treatments generally include over-the-counter topical wart treatments. These contain an acid that peels the wart, thereby killing the virus. However, it can take several weeks or months for these treatments to be successful, and warts often recur, as topical treatments can't treat the wart deeply.
Do finger warts recur?
Yes, as with all warts, finger warts can recur. Even if the wart is treated, HPV can remain under the skin and may cause another wart to form after a certain time. The chance of recurrence decreases if the immune system is strengthened and the viral load on the skin is reduced through effective treatment.
How can you protect yourself from finger warts?
To protect yourself from finger warts, wash your hands regularly, use a bandage on cuts and scratches, avoid using other people's personal items and manicure-pedicure tools, and wear slippers in common areas (like gyms, swimming pools).
Which type of doctor should a person with finger warts see?
In our Wart Treatment Center located in Silivri, Dr. Eser Ağar, who is an expert in warts, successfully treats finger warts with fractional laser and radiofrequency methods. In our center, you can not only get your wart treatment but also your periodic checks. Even if you forget your periodic checks, we follow up and make phone reminders. If you do not have the opportunity to reach our center, you can apply to a dermatologist, orthopedist, general surgeon, or general practitioner serving in your area.
How are finger warts treated in children?
Finger warts in children are generally treated in the same way as in adults. However, the choice of treatment is determined by considering the child's age and general health. We also perform wart treatments for pediatric patients in our center.
Can the presence of finger warts indicate other skin problems?
Finger warts are generally not an indication of other skin problems, but should still be evaluated by a specialist doctor. Warts can indicate a weak immune system.
What to expect after finger wart treatment?
After the treatment of finger warts, the wart usually disappears completely. However, warts may recur in some cases.
How much does finger wart treatment cost?
The cost of finger wart treatment varies depending on the extent of the warts, their size, and the anesthesia to be applied. Our treatment fees are not secret. You can reach us at 0505 260 72 38 and 0 850 490 14 78, get information about the treatment process and prices from our staff who are experts in warts. You can easily get price information by sending a photo of your warts to our WhatsApp line 0 850 490 14 78 before coming to our center.
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HPV virus enters the skin through small cuts or wounds and proliferates, leading to the formation of warts.
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