What is HPV Test – HPV DNA Test – HPV Genotype Test?
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a group of viruses that is widespread and rapidly spreading throughout the world. There are currently over 200 known types of HPV. About 40 of these various types tend to settle in the genital area, i.e. the cervix, penis and anal area, while other types generally cause warts on the hands, feet, body and mouth.
Importance of HPV Types
The effect of each HPV type on the human body is different. For example, certain HPV types that cause infection in the genital area, if they are one of the types defined as 'high risk', significantly increase the risk of cervical (cervix) cancer, penile cancer and anal cancer. Infections of these types generally do not show symptoms and thus develop insidiously. Therefore, understanding which virus type we are facing helps us to take precautions to prevent potential cancer development.
However, some of the HPV types that cause infection in the genital area are 'low-risk' types that usually only cause warts. These types do not cause cervical, anal and penile cancer and usually produce warts as a symptom. Knowing that you are infected with a low-risk HPV type soothes the patient and doctor mentally and helps to properly form the treatment plan.
What is an HPV Test?
The HPV test is a medical test used to determine if a person is infected with the HPV virus and if so, which type they are infected with. The test is performed by collecting cervical and vaginal samples (in women) or urethral and anal samples (in men) and sending them to the lab to determine the presence and type of HPV DNA.
How is HPV Test done?
When Does the HPV Test Result Come Out?
The HPV DNA test comes out in 3-4 days, while the HPV Genotyping test comes out in 10-12 days.
How Is The HPV Test Interpreted?
The HPV DNA test result can come as POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. A POSITIVE result means that there is at least one type of HPV virus in the sample taken. A NEGATIVE result means that there is no HPV virus in the sample taken. For the test to be positive in PCR tests, there must be a virus DNA above a certain number in the sample taken. For this reason, it is necessary to retest after 6 months to confirm the result of the negative test.
Our Wart Treatment Center in Silivri provides HPV test, cervical smear, colposcopy and wart treatment. For more detailed information about the HPV test, you can reach us from our phones 0505 260 72 38 and 0 850 490 14 78.
The Price of the HPV Test
Due to the rules of the Ministry of Health, we cannot share the price of the HPV Test on our website. Our prices are not confidential. You can get price information by calling our phone number 0505 260 72 38 or sending a message to our phone number 0 850 490 14 78. We would be happy to assist you in taking the necessary steps to protect your health.
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