What is ASCUS?
ASCUS stands for Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance, and is recognized by examining samples taken from the cervix under a microscope. This result indicates that the cells in the sample are slightly different from normal, but the cause of the abnormality is unclear.
What does ASCUS mean in a smear test?
An ASCUS finding in a smear test means that the cells examined in the test are not normal, but it is unclear exactly what this abnormality indicates. This abnormality could be due to a simple infection, or it could be due to the HPV virus.
What should a person with ASCUS do?
A patient with ASCUS should be tested for HPV. If the HPV test comes back negative, routine smear tests are continued. If one of the high-risk HPV types is positive, a colposcopy is required for a more detailed examination. If one of the low-risk HPV types is positive, annual routine checks continue.
Is there a relationship between ASCUS and HPV?
Yes, ASCUS can be a symptom of HPV infection. HPV can cause cell changes in the cervix, and this situation can appear as an ASCUS result in a smear test.
What should I do if I have ASCUS?
In normal conditions, patients with an ASCUS result are initially given antibiotic treatment and a smear is taken again after 7-10 days of antibiotic treatment. If ASCUS appears again, the HPV Test is taken this time. However, we perform the HPV Test right from the start in patients with ASCUS result in order not to go through a stressful period of 7-10 days.
Can ASCUS turn into cancer?
ASCUS alone does not turn into cancer. However, if a person with an ASCUS result is found to have a high-risk HPV infection, and if the patient neglects the necessary checks, this situation may turn into cervical cancer in 10-15 years.
Is there a treatment for ASCUS?
ASCUS generally does not require direct treatment. Your doctor usually monitors for a certain period and observes whether the condition progresses.
Does ASCUS prevent pregnancy?
No, ASCUS does not prevent pregnancy. However, a person infected with HPV can pass HPV to their child during childbirth.
What can happen after ASCUS comes out?
In patients with an ASCUS result, the final diagnosis most frequently comes out as squamous metaplasia and HPV-related lesions when re-evaluated after antibiotics. If patients with an ASC-US result are left alone, 68% return to normal, 7% progress to HSIL, and 0.25% turn into cancer.
As a Wart Treatment Center, what path do we follow?
As a Wart Treatment Center, in smear test findings where ASCUS result is obtained, we prefer to apply the "HPV Test" early on to avoid causing unnecessary stress to our patients. If the HPV test result comes back negative, we understand that inflammation or infection in the cervix led to the ASCUS result. In this case, we apply the appropriate treatment for the infection and reassure the patient.
If a low-risk HPV type, for example HPV 6 or HPV 11, is detected in the HPV test result, we also relax. Based on this finding, we plan HPV treatment and call the patient for a check-up a year later.
But if a high-risk HPV type, such as HPV 16, HPV 18, HPV 31, or HPV 33, is detected in the HPV test result, then we move on to the colposcopy procedure for a more detailed examination.
As the Wart Treatment Center, we are able to detect all HPV types with the HPV Test we do and apply the colposcopy procedure when necessary.
If an ASCUS finding has been detected in your smear test result, you can reach us at 0505 260 72 38 and 0 850 490 14 78, and get detailed information about the prices of the HPV Test and Colposcopy procedures.
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