What is Anal Wart?
Anal wart is a lesion that looks like a mole, which occurs as a result of the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) settling in the anal region.
How Does Anal Wart Occur?
The HPV virus infects the anal region when it comes into contact with cracks and irritations in the area. Chronic constipation, anal fissures, hair removal in the anal region, or anal sex can cause these cracks and irritations.
What Are the Symptoms of Anal Wart?
Anal wart usually appears after itching and presents itself as lesions resembling a mole of medium hardness. They can also cause itching, bleeding, discharge, and wetness.
What Are the Causes of Anal Wart?
The main cause of anal wart is the infection of the anal region with the HPV virus. The virus is transmitted through cracks and irritations in the anal region.
Are Anal Warts Contagious?
Yes, anal warts are contagious with the HPV virus and can be transmitted to your sexual partner through contact with cracks or irritations.
What Are the Dangers of Anal Wart?
If left untreated, anal warts can grow and spread into the anus. The spread and multiplication of warts make treatment difficult. Also, high-risk HPV virus types can increase the risk of anal cancer.
How Is Anal Wart Treated?
Fractional laser can be used in the treatment of anal wart. With this method, the wart is effectively destroyed. In cases where warts are dense, treatment can be applied under general anesthesia.
What Other Methods Are Used in the Treatment of Anal Wart?
Fractional laser is considered the most effective method in the treatment of anal warts. However, in places where there is no laser, the warts can be removed surgically or by electrocauterization. Other methods such as medications or cryotherapy (cold treatment) are mostly not suitable for the anal region.
How Long Does Anal Wart Treatment Take?
The duration of anal wart treatment can vary depending on the prevalence, size of the wart, and the treatment method. With fractional laser, warts are destroyed in a single session. Then, the tissue healing process takes place within 7-10 days.
What Is the Risk of Recurrence After Anal Wart Treatment?
The risk of recurrence after anal wart treatment is about 35%. If the wart reoccurs, a repeat of the treatment may be necessary. With the HPV vaccine application, quitting smoking, and lifestyle changes recommended by your doctor, we are reducing the risk of recurrence to around 10%.
What Should Be Taken Into Account After Anal Wart Treatment?
After treatment, it is important to ensure that the warts are effectively destroyed, not to pluck or bleed the warts, not to apply epilation to the hairs in the anal region, not to smoke, to apply the HPV vaccine, and to keep the body's immunity high to prevent recurrences.
What Can Be Done to Prevent Anal Wart?
To prevent anal wart, a condom should be used during sexual intercourse, cracks in the anal region should be treated, hygiene rules should be followed, and an HPV vaccine should be given to keep the immune system strong. The most common misconceptions about anal wart include thinking that anal warts only spread as a result of anal sex. This information is not correct. Anal warts can be transmitted to people who do not have anal sex. It is also quite common to confuse anal warts with simple hemorrhoids (piles). However, anal warts are different from hemorrhoids. Also, the misconception that anal warts can only be treated with medications is common. Warts in the anal region should be treated with a laser.
What Kind of Symptoms Do Anal Warts Cause?
People with anal wart usually have itching, bleeding, discharge, and a sense of wetness around the anus. Also, pain and discomfort during toilet use may occur due to warts.
When Should a Person with Anal Wart See a Doctor?
A person with anal wart should immediately see a doctor as soon as they notice the symptoms. Also, it is important to see a doctor without delay in case treated warts reappear.
What Tests and Analyses Are Made in the Diagnosis of Anal Wart?
Anal warts are usually diagnosed with a doctor's physical examination. In suspicious cases, the doctor can take a biopsy from the warts, perform an HPV test to determine the HPV type.
What Drugs Are Used in the Treatment of Anal Wart and What Are Their Side Effects?
Topical (applied to the skin) drugs are generally used in the treatment of anal warts. However, these drugs can cause serious irritation in the anal region. For this reason, laser treatment is usually preferred.
What Are the Psychological Effects of Anal Wart?
The presence of anal wart can negatively affect a person's self-confidence and sex life. Psychological stress, anxiety, and depression are common emotional responses associated with this condition.
What Should the Nutrition and Lifestyle Be Like During the Treatment of Anal Wart?
Immediately after the treatment, your doctor may prescribe medications to soften the stool. This is to protect the area where the laser was applied during defecation. It is important to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle during the treatment process. This can help strengthen the immune system. Avoiding smoking and regular exercise can improve overall health and speed up the treatment process. The negative effect of alcohol use on HPV has not been shown.
What Are the Prices for Anal Wart Treatment?
The prices for anal wart treatment vary depending on the center where the procedure is performed, the type of anesthesia, and the size and prevalence of the wart. You can call the Wart Treatment Center in Silivri to get price information. To get price information, you can reach us at 0505 260 72 38 and 0 850 490 14 78.
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